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Само да отбележа, че т'ва не е мойта ръка:
Какво ново при мен?
На първо време - дъжд, по цял ден, в продължение на седмици. Вече свикнах, но ми се иска един съмър ескейп, който ще настъпи след около 2 седмици. Второ, ами не се сещам за второ.. Имам няколкото теми за обсъждане. Za tazi cel: New active bloggers and followers are welcome..плюс бизнес идеи :-)
Ето и едно четиво:
The postman rang three times on the door-bell, as three times was the post company regulation, expecting anybody of the dwellers of a three-family regular oily-white painted house to show up at one of the front doors. He had to hand a medium-sized white-carton package, exclusively addressed to Ms Laura Ladkardeumeviciute. When nobody popped up, he handed an already prepared official package notification and hurried to continue with his well-established post-bringing rhythm taking away the package. What he didn’t know was that someone was asleep so deeply at the second floor that she didn’t hear the three-time doorbell ringing. The postman didn’t know that behind the front door a very curious dark-grey huffy Persian cat, called Tomas, was enjoying himself on the kitchen table, where he wasn’t supposed and allowed to be, but where was the only place in the house he can climb easily and enjoy a window view to the lively street outside. At that moment the clock stroke 9 o’clock reminding that the start of the new day had began exactly 3 hours and 49 minutes ago according to the sunrise BBC weather forecast.
Weather and time can surprisingly be the same word in Spanish and Croatian. Tiempo in Spanish means both time and weather. The same is true for Croatian vrijeme.
Why so? Lucy was sure that this phenomenon can be met in other languages, that there is some exciting pre-history and this was the question she was occupying herself scientifically since that Thursday when she had a Spanish course for beginners and right after that an ethimology class. Everybody at the university had some topics and narrow fields, they hoped and thrived to be specialists in. Like Veroniqe Sanson, who spend four months in Albania developing extensive research on a revolutionary and a local poet or Leonid Leshchenko, who published an article about the frequency of usage of the word ennui in the Anglo-Saxons world. Lucy Gertmeier was seeking for her field of specialization for the last two semesters. She had been actively reading on many questions and concerns in linguistics, but really hadn’t found her playground until it hit her in that special Thursday. She didin’t know then if the topic was already researched or if she can make any contribution with further investigation.
Lucy woke up exactly in 9 o’clock of the alarm clock sounds. She usually sets the alarm clock earlier, but last night she stayed until two in the morning watching documentaries on other cultures, hoping to find some additional enlightening about time, weather and other invisible dimensions. She instinctively put on some clothes in a negligee manner. She always did so when she went out of her room in case she meets her landlady or her landlady’s sons on her way downstairs. She jumped down the stairs to the kitchen to make some coffee and when she was about to enter the in the kitchen she saw the landlady’s cat Thomas jumping off the table. Laura smiled.
“You silly boy” was her reaction. She made herself a cup of americano coffee and checked the mail. She found a notice from the post about a package addressed to her landlady, which she put on the usual post-gathering spot. After these usual routine actions she felt completely awake figuring out what she is going to wear and what she is going to discuss with her dissertation mentor. She rushed upstairs to check her e-mails and facebook profile and to prepare herself for the busy schedule with afternoon lectures and seminars.
“I am sorry Lynette, I can’t. My mother called from Moscow and asked me to pick up a childhood friend from the airport. Apparently, he has job interview or something and is going to stay at the palace for a while.” Cecilia was in a hurry.
“I don’t have any idea. He is a grown up man and should be able to find himself a place to stay. But my mother has spoken to his mother, he doesn’t know the city and they agreed about this. Obviously he also agrees and I couldn’t say no. So I am bound to take care at my place for a total stranger.” Cecilia was choosing a scarf and talking on the speaker phone. “I thought so as well. But it wouldn’t be polite sending somebody else to the airport to pick up an old childhood friend I don’t even remember.”
“Oh, come on Lynnette. Not again with your match-making comments. I am too busy now and you always trying to set me up with somebody. Gotta go. Talk to you later.”
As she hung up the phone she was wondering which car to take for the day. She fast forwarded in her head all of the meetings and people she’s gonna meet today and called Tony the driver, who was in the garage asking which cars are ready for the day.
“They all are Misis waiting for you.”
“Thanks Tony” she jumped in a stylish brand new black Mercedes-Benz putting her laptop and documents bags on the backseat. Cecilia was always busy to enjoy her cars enough and to know all the details about them. She speed-dialled one of her assistants Joan from the car-phone, while she was speeding on the picturesque road alongside the coastline on a non-busy ideal for this powerful car.
“Good morning Joan. How are you?”. “Perfect, that’s the spirit. First could you tell me more details about Mrs. Down offer?” Cecilia spoke with two of her three assistants and managed to discuss the urgent issues for the day. She hung up when she parked at the airport and headed towards the arrivals of terminal 2.
“For centuries we live with the words. They help us, limit us, refresh us and sometimes tire us. There are beautiful words like “armario” (Spanish),“grua” (Albanian) and “maintenant”(French), which make us twist our tongues in a swift exercise bringing a powerful and pleasant charge to the pronouncer. Bad-sounding words also exist and probably this is due to concentration of consonants: vrouw (Dutch), strah (Bulgarian) and Sprache (German). Notice that this is how words sound to ME. I am sure that if we conduct a survey, people will place the above-mentioned words from the better-sounding one to the worst sounding in a completely different order. We sort of mechanized the words in our brain and they become physiologically part of us. We absorb the words in a manner learn them with our senses and our tree-shaped mind (according to psychologists) in order to decode and encode the surrounding world, intentions, ideas, necessities, and feelings.”
[12:51:08 AM] Max::: says: Румен тичаше с всичка сила по улицата. Четирима здрави костщмирани мъже го гониха и се опитваха да го хванат. А кой е Румен ли? Всичко започна преди няколко дни. Румен или както много хора го наричаха Картата, поради страста му към хазарата , беше разбрал че местните комарджий организираха нелегален покер турнир. Всеки който се беше сблъскал с Ахмед и Орела ( организаторите на турнира) имаше проблеми след това. Румен беше решен, че ще участва и нищо не беше в сила да го спре. Той се беше запътил към складът в който турнирът щеше да се провере. Ахмед и Орелът бяха го организирали в складовете който притежаваха. Тези складове бяха пълни с всякакъв вид техника, и там някъде между палетата с евтини радио касетофони и тостери седяха Ахмед, Орелът и още двама нейзвестни на Румен. Румен кимна с глава и ги поздрави след което седна на столът който беше приготвен за него. Размениха няколко приказки и оточниха правилата на играта.
Играта започна. Карти, чипове и пари бяха разхвърляни по масата. Този хаос караше играчите да се чувстват още по силини. Всеки един от тях имаше усещането че е на път да победи всички останали. Единия от двамата непознати раздаде картите и Румен с лек жест ги погледна. Раздаването започна. След няколко минути Румен беше изгубил всичко. Късметът му изневери. Той не само трябваше да си тръгне с празни ръце, но също така трябваше да изпълни една услуга на Ахмед. Румен се прибра късно и си легна.
На другата сутрин в 8:45 телефонът звънна, беше Ахмед, който му каза в 9:00 да бъде пред Bank De Rio. Румен се притесни и осъзна, че се е навлякъл в нещо сериозно. Часът беше 8:58 служителите на банката отваряха входната врата и започваха работа. Нямаше нищо подозрително до момента. Към банката вървеше мъж облечен с зимна шуба, Картата се позамисли понеже вече беше Април и времето въобще не беше за зимни дрехи, а и никой не носеше такива дрехи в този регйон. Човекът направи жест на Румен да влезе. Картата с притеснени крачки тръгна към банката и влезе. Румен остана в банката около минута. Изведнъж се чу алармата на банката и Румен излезна тичайки от банката. Цялата охрана се впусна по петите на Картата. Той тичаше с бясна скорост. Чуваха се полицейски сирени по главната улица. Румен зави по малките улички на квартала. Опитваше се да избяга, но не му беше лесно. Той разбираше, че е в безизходица. Незнаеше как да се справи с ситуацията в която беше попаднал. Тичайки той извади мобилния си телефон и набра единственият човек който можеше да му помогне. Той набра Лаура Ладакардемевиците. Тичаше с всичка сила по прашните улици на стария град. Телефонът звънеше, но никой не го вдигаше. Румен едвам едвам опитваше да бяга и да държи телефонът. Лаура вдигна:
- Ало.
Румен с притеснен и задъхан глас каза:
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